
What’s the future of agriculture? Come and see. Learn about aquaponics at our webinar

Healthy, regional food. Sustainable agriculture without agrochemicals a sound combination of nature’s age-old principles and modern technology. Aquaponics offers all this – and now we’ll show it all to you.

The webinar, directly from our farm, starts in:


Large-scale agriculture in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and elsewhere is destroying its own future. No regard for nature or any prospect of improvement.

Low production of high-quality food

Overconsumption of clean water

Eradication of agricultural land

Excessive mortality on fish farms

Aquaponics is travelling in a much more hopeful direction.

At a time when conventional agriculture is seeking to reverse declining yields by using strategies that are making the crisis even worse, aquaponics offers some genuine hope. Hope for our food self-sufficiency – even in a landscape struggling to recover from widespread decimation caused by artificial fertilisers, sprays, and other chemicals.

The reason aquaponics provides such hope is because it embodies a return nature.
It applies a modern approach to ancient, sustainable principles of farming.

With the use of modern technology, we draw upon the natural symbiosis between animals and plants: fish cultivated in clean water on one hand – lettuce and herbs cultivated in a solution of biological fertiliser on the other. We save enormous amounts of water and hectares of land, all without any agrochemicals. What’s more, we achieve large-scale production of incomparably better quality food in local conditions. And we do so all year, whatever the weather.

Today, traditional agriculture is already lagging far behind.

We’ll tell you all about it!

At the aquaponics webinar we’ll discuss the situation in Czech and Slovak agriculture, we’ll talk about problems related to food quality, and the current condition of soils and lack of water. We’ll introduce you to the technology of aquaponics, its main benefits, and also its current drawbacks. We’ll show you hobby systems that will help you start doing aquaponics at home, and the large-scale farms of Future Farming, whose products you can taste under Farmia Food label. We’ll take a close look at the food itself, and share tips on how to use it. Of course, there will also be plenty of time for questions.

The next webinar is completely free of charge. However, to make sure things go smoothly, capacity has been limited.

Book your place

We’re looking forward to seeing you

My name is Nina Hájková, and I’ll be your guide through the world of aquaponics. For years, I’ve been actively interested in the quality of children’s lives – their needs, their health, and their diets. So I started looking for answers to questions that you’ve also probably been asking:

  • Where does the food we buy actually come from?
  • How has it been grown? What does it actually contain?
  • How long a journey does it have to take before it appears on our plates? And what happens to it during this journey?
  • Why is local production unable to compete with the offer from abroad? What’s the obstacle?

And that’s how I got to find out about aquaponics. Instantly, I was amazed by the nutritional quality of the food. It even scores better than organic foods, while having almost zero negative impacts on nature (aquaponics saves up to 97% of water compared to traditional agriculture).

It was clear to me that this was massive. I therefore decided to devote the years ahead to helping bring aquaponics into the Czech market. After all, elsewhere in the world it was already a completely normal, tried and tested way of growing food.

And that’s the reason why I’m inviting you to a free public webinar. Along with leading specialists in aquaponics, I’ll be showing you how this kind of agriculture works, everything it can achieve in future, and most importantly, what it can do right now – whether at the commercial level, or what you can achieve at home.

Join us, and let’s cultivate fundamental change together.

Let’s go to the farm where the future is being written.

Welcome to future farming

Aproximatelly 30 000 seedlings planted weekly
Over 1 000 farm tours completed
Farms covering over 12 000 meters squared
Over 180 000 trout reared

Are you interested in the webinar? The upcoming one is free

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